Saturday 14 June 2014

Kids grow so fast!

My my, kiddies grow so fast! My eldest is 14 going on 21 and this brings with it an array of tantrums, stale mates and general 'growing up too fast' conversations.  She does have normal issues with her peers but luckily has an outlet which is her tennis; thank goodness.  

My youngest is 6 and a totally different character to her sister which, on the whole, is a good thing I think.  I look at them both sometimes and wonder if I am doing a good job though.   This is mainly with the eldest as she is where I think about the who's what's when's and why's.  We had her, in my opinion, at a young age, this meant we were quite immature at the time, so while we tried to educate and shape her into the gorgeous young lady she is now, we were still trying to grow ourselves.

The differences I see between the 2 of them, especially as there is a an 8 year gap, are the technologies available to them then and now along with their own expectations.  The youngest is already going to 'make-up' parties and at 6 I feel that is too young.  I do not want her to feel left out so I allow her to go and say yes to only lip gloss - I think eye shadow and blusher is a set too far.  Make-up is there though, a big part of many girls lives.  My eldest comes home with stories of girls who have caked on too much foundation and they look orange by the time they get to school!  She finds it vastly amusing.  She does wear make up but not as much as some.  At the age of 14, I think it is down to her to decide and start to make her own choices.  As yet, we have not experienced the orange affect!

The more and more that ages are lowered for when children are allowed certain milestones, the faster children grow up.  The expectation of events are lowered to satisfy either a child's 'want' or a parents need to make sure they, the child, is not missing out.  I like the children to be children.  There is a happy medium and I wouldn't want my children to be singled out for not having something but at the same time, I wouldn't buy them something merely because everyone else had it.  I know they are stronger mentally and know we don't say 'no' to things lightly.

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